Tuesday, October 27, 2009

....and my wish comes true.....Subie coupe gets AWD!

HAHA!  I called it (read a few posts down talking about the rumored Subaru version of the FT-86).  Subaru is confirming their version of the joint venture coupe will have AWD.  It's only common sense since Subaru has been AWD only since the mid-late '90s.  It is expected to not only have AWD over RWD, it is also suppose to be bigger and more powerful then the FT-86 Toyota.  To farther distingush the Subaru from the Toyota, the chassis codes will be different, 086A/087A/088A for Toyota and 0216A for Subaru.  Expect alot of the Impreza WRX/STI bits to come on this bad boy since they share the same architecture (Legacy chassis) and VERY similar dimensions.  I'd assume a $5k+ price point over similar equiped WRX/STI's being it is the 2-door "sporty" version.  I can hear the 22B comparo's now :)

SOURCE: 7tune

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